Obesity :(

What is Obesity?

Obesity is the condition of being highly fat or overweight.


What causes Obesity?

Calories are important for the body, however, taking too much calories can form fat and too much fats can cause obesity. Genetics are also a very important and is spread out in a lot of people, genetics can be such as who have the obesity disease, their children can inherit (take it from them) it from them through genetics. Lifestyle choices can cause obesity because if the lifestyle is stressful or that person faces any kind of mental illness or a situation which was hard on him/her (such as someone is dead or got embarrassed in front of a lot of people)

Obesity around the world and in Malaysia

People who have the obesity disease are about 700 million people in the whole world in 2015, also on World Wide about 2.8 million people die from obesity. Obesity is increasing around the world, people eat fats and unhealthy food increasingly every day, which makes a lot fat,day by day obesity starts to affect them. Locally (Malaysia) Malaysia is the highest in obesity among Asia, studies that were done state that half or more of Malaysia’s population has obesity, this condition of obesity has been rising in the continent the past few years.

Exercise Plan


Exercise Time taken Run across the hall 1 time, sprint, jumping on 1 leg, side run 5 minutes Wheel barrow 2 minutes Bag run and switch the bag 5 minutes
Health screening is:
Athlete used is:
Balanced diet:
Mental Illness: